Red As Cherries | Teen Ink

Red As Cherries

November 17, 2015
By _guti BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
_guti BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Blue curtains revealing the sun
lying down from a tiring day
of flipping through pages and
enjoying the clinks of tea cups
that now sits on top of a chipping
window pane. The town’s lights
illuminate the orange sky. Power
lines spreading out in the sky like
arms. An open book telling stories
about a girl with a thin nose bone.
Telling tales about the cancer
That has her in a chokehold.
The thick thin leopard print robe
hugging her figure while a medical
bracelet digs into her wrist. Her visible
collarbones greet people while no one
notices her glossy brown eyes begging
for freedom. The girl with red lips like
cherries. She’s sitting on her hospital
bed as if she’s sitting on her throne.
The shadow on her chest creeps like
death searching for its next victim. The
smooth creases on her skin remind her of her battles.

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