Someone I Never Knew | Teen Ink

Someone I Never Knew

November 22, 2015
By John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Right turned left and no longer was right.

As I lay in fluent suspension
And gasp for air,
The world turns softly,
And my thoughts are left to
Articulate through time.

They list all the things
That I could have done,
And they bring me the things
That I could have been.
They list all the things
That I should have done,
And they bring me the things
That I should have been.

They show me
The places I would have visited,
The people I would have seen,
The family I would have had,
And the person I would have become.

As I float in the wake of my ruin, close my eyes,
And sigh for the last time,
I realize something bitter yet emptily true.

I think of how silly it is to miss
Someone I never knew.

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