Mammoth | Teen Ink


December 1, 2015
By Dowan231245 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Dowan231245 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A wandering wooly mammoth
treading against rigid frozen tundra,
slowing with clumps of snow stuck to its feet...

A wandering wooly mammoth
crossing frozen ground and a blanket of snow,
where frostbitten footprints freeze in snow…

A wandering wooly mammoth
gazing over snow capped peaks,
searching for something new...

A wandering wooly monster of the ice age
fighting the first of their kind,
thick white ivory tusks launch...

A resting wooly mammoth
dying and beaten from battle,
laying in the frostbitten frozen snow…

A resting wooly mammoth
buried deep below the snow,
remains the first of his kind....

A resting wooly mammoth
unearthed by Hebior, over 14,500 years past,
The Hebior Mammoth...a symbol of the Ice Age...

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