My Future | Teen Ink

My Future

November 29, 2015
By EllakGale GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
EllakGale GOLD, Chicago, Illinois
16 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." -Johnny Depp

I started walking when

the streetlights first

began to glow.

Each one illuminating

my path,

telling me where to go.

I follow dilligently,

determined not to stray,

But one by one

the lights go out.

There is no direction.

Everything now is 

so much louder,

the wind, the woodpecker,

the squirrels scratching 

the fence.

I feel a pressence 

next to me.

It eminates strength, power.

It ignites fear,

a fear that has never

settled in me 

quite like this.

It watches me, stalks me,

waits for me to make

my move.

But what if I make 

the wrong choice?

What if I fail and

my future is stuck as 

a dark winding road,

streetlights turned off,

stars hidden among fog.

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