Death | Teen Ink


November 30, 2015
By Emily492 BRONZE, Griswold, Iowa
Emily492 BRONZE, Griswold, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is not beauty that endears; it’s love that makes us see beauty.

Scarlet lips near the base of my throat

A small carress at my cheek bone

Vain words whispered in my ear

Telling me lies I wish not to hear

Tattoos spilled across her neck

Dripping across, she was not wreck

She was menacing, with a deadly finish

And that was when my soul began to diminish

Scaring me with phrases like 'eternal rest' 

Never even putting me to a test

There was no fight 

The persuasion was light

And I had been gone by the end of the night

The author's comments:

I wanted to make death seem like a seductress that lures one into a deep sleep, with the person being mixed up in emotions. 

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