The Third World -- Indominus Rex | Teen Ink

The Third World -- Indominus Rex

December 1, 2015
By 2jfootball2 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2jfootball2 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The ground shakes with each step…
a world builds from fallen branches.
Evolution and extinction mold a perfect pair…
The burial of history.

The ground shakes with each step…
I hear his rasping, roaring.
The stench of breath convenes with trepidation…
Rendered, resolved, but restored, he would become history.

The ground shakes with each step…
I live amongst the beast ruling the earth
It's the indomitable will that embodies me.
These are their fallen branches
I am a survivor, not a victim.
But for now I am under a world…
built from fallen branches.

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