Pencil Army | Teen Ink

Pencil Army

December 1, 2015
By jamieelizabethkahn BRONZE, Easton, Pennsylvania
jamieelizabethkahn BRONZE, Easton, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve begun writing in pencil
much more often than I used to
maybe it has something to do with erasing,
scribbling and crossing out
all of my mistakes has grown tiresome
pencils dull much quicker
and snap with ease
maybe that makes me feel strong
it is a tool that I can justify taking blades to
so maybe that makes it stronger
being sliced and peeled
yet still performing whatever task I command
I damn well know I cry when I’m cut up
and I don’t do much of anything else
so maybe it means a lot more
to have so much power over such a strong thing
I now command my army of pencils
because my tired troop of pens,
well, they ran out of ink

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