A Depressing Smile | Teen Ink

A Depressing Smile

December 3, 2015
By John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Right turned left and no longer was right.

People say that I write a lot
of depressing

they ask
me why
and I tell them
that I can smile
and everybody
likes it
and smiles back
but when I frown
everybody frowns
and we're all
sad together
and that's no
fun at all

I write
a lot of

it seems that
when people
read my
depressing things
they smile
just like
they'd smile
if I were

but i'm not
really smiling

i'm watching their eyes move
hoping they understand

but they don't
they just nod and smile
and say that
I did a good job

what is a good job?

is it making people
smile even though
you want them to frown
with you?

i don't think
that i
do a good job

so I keep
and pretending and
making everyone
think that
they should
smile too

it's much
harder to frown
when no
one else

so i'll keep
writing my
depressing things
and hope
that someday
someone will
frown with me

then i will know
that i've done a
good job

and maybe i'll
even eat
ice cream

that might
make me

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