The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

December 6, 2015
By John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
John_Malpe GOLD, Highland, Indiana
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Right turned left and no longer was right.

To make them laugh

          make them cry

               make them love

                    and make them hate

Is like rolling a pair of sixes

     climbing the highest mountain

          running a five minute mile

               and writing the perfect poem

Anybody can be a true love

     a successful entrepreneur

          a powerful world leader

               and a courageous hero

Just learn to play the game

     follow the short list of rules

          fill the empty role of co-star

               and choose the correct phrase

Then the only thing left to do

     is trick yourself into believing

          because we all love to play games

               especially ones we think we have a chance at winning.

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