Geode | Teen Ink


December 10, 2015
By GlitterFan BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
GlitterFan BRONZE, Columbia, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was once a bubble, a thought that came out of a spitting volcano full of boiling lava and heat

I rolled on the surface of mud and dirt

And rolled down hills which built my walls

My shell hardens as I take in what I can and cool down

There were many empty spaces inside of me

But I filled the spaces with the knowledge of other’s mistakes after the heat dissolved within me

Years of memories and lessons build up crystals like barriers inside my wall

Their tip points sharply like the memories and thorns of a rose to protect myself from the darkness in my shell

When you first see me, you won’t see what’s inside of me unless if you see within me

I may seem plain on the outside but when opened, my crystals shines in the light like an angel

Carved and sharpened out flaws, I’m used as a jewelry or collection to make others look better

They say not to judge a book by its cover so don’t judge a rock by its natural composition

It can be hard to find a geode but like books, they can be full of stories

You can’t find a geode on the bookshelf or open them like books so don’t take them for granted

To find them, you’ll have to walk a long way along the road and search away from the crowd

Their layer of walls are tough to break through

But each layer is a layer of story and experience

They watch their surroundings and keep their secrets inside

Only few knows, and they’re the ones that are patient enough to wait and stay

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