Mother nature | Teen Ink

Mother nature

December 15, 2015
By Ash_la_fleur SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
Ash_la_fleur SILVER, Fort Worth, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason.

Why each time it digs deeper in my cold soil
A tree once told It’ll never grow, bloomed nowhere but up in the sky
Odd is she?
Weird since everyone doubted her beauty
Even the birds nesting on her branches tweet on about
what she can or can't do
What she has or hasn’t
Her life falls on the floor
turning her naked
In the winter , wonder surrounds if she’ll come back to life

She springs back into herself and causes others to sneeze
They hate the “pain” she havics
but why see the one problem
after all she gives you the air you take in
No thank yous
not even a hug
only held when others are lost
attached she gets
to those who she has touched
When found humans no longer need her
to keep them safe
creating shade
cool breezes
laughter from children climbing her sturdy arms
holding everyone together
yet look at her leaves turn darker and not return forever
Does she need you?
Do you need her?

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Roses said...
on Dec. 18 2015 at 11:29 am
Greg is my nephew and yes he is an amazing teacher/mentor and a wonderful father and husband. Thank you for recognizing him and all he does