"You" | Teen Ink


December 16, 2015
By victoriakate98 BRONZE, La Grange, Texas
victoriakate98 BRONZE, La Grange, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Improvise, adapt, and overcome."

You make me want to write poetry
The thing is, I'm really bad at poetry
But looking at you
The words just start flowing
Stanzas and stanzas of effortless beauty (just like you)
that up until now have been impossible for me
It's like you granted me this ability, like I'm some
sleeper agent and you were my trigger
Nerdy comparison, I know, but don't you see?
The words just keep coming and flowing and taking
up my consciousness, just like my feelings for you
Completely natural, like the way you walked over and said,
"Come dance with me," like it was the easiest thing in the world,
like you hadn't just set off an entire fireworks display inside my ribcage
Totally smooth, the way you said, "Just letting you know, I'm not a good dancer,"
and the way I replied with, "Me neither, perfect match!"
Completely right, the way you smiled at my stepping on your feet at first
(thank god I had taken off those heels) and showing me what to do,
making the most basic two step feel like something extraordinary
Like second nature, the way we talked about where we each had gone to dinner,
the utter triumph I felt at making you laugh with my story of the waiter
So surreal, the way I felt like I was floating afterwards,
the way I could not stop smiling when I realized that we had held hands
We had held hands!
Ridiculously happy, when I talked with my best friend the next day
("Did you see who I danced with?!") and she smiled that one smile
when friends see you with your crush and they just know,
the smile that makes you grin like an idiot, which I did (oh, lord, did I grin)
And I still am
Grinning, that is
All because of you, and the way you made me realize why so many poems are about love

The author's comments:

I was sitting with my friends at prom when out of nowhere my crush came over and asked me to dance. Suddenly, my hands were trembling in a way that normally only came before a performance. Afterwards, when I realized my face still had a grin to the point of soreness, I decided to try to capture the moment with words. This piece is the result of my efforts.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 26 2015 at 10:17 pm
victoriakate98 BRONZE, La Grange, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Improvise, adapt, and overcome."

Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback!

on Dec. 25 2015 at 10:53 pm
Your phrases just jump out at me! They flow really well :)