Red Kite | Teen Ink

Red Kite

December 17, 2015
By LaurenJKelly BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
LaurenJKelly BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The Kite red and free
dances in the wind to its own beat.
The trees clap along to the rhythm,
encouraging the kite to go higher.
With a twist and a turn in the wind.
Majestic and delicate
yet strong and bold,
we never know the secret it holds.
Up to the clouds
wishing to be
a little bit more free.
The thing holding it back
is the string held by you and me
It flies in wind like a leaf in the wind.
Both dancing to the melody they feel.
The wind cradles the kite
like a mother cradles her child.
The kite running like a horse to get away
almost as if to say
“you’ll never know what game i play,
I’ll keep you guessing till the end of the day.”
The Kite so wild to be like a horse
trying to feel a slight breeze.
The Kite without a single care
flies in the breeze.
The sun coming down
as if God is saying
this shall be a perfect day.
No matter how perfect
a day comes to the end
when the stars and moon come out to play
and you go in with your little red kite.
Wishing for just a minute more to play
in the wind and the sun with
the trees that encourage,
the birds that wave,
the grass that watches below,
and the clouds watching above
with your little red Kite and the three little bows.
Maybe tomorrow will be another perfect day.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jan. 8 2016 at 6:08 pm
LaurenJKelly BRONZE, Yarmouth, Maine
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
Ohh thanks Heather

on Jan. 1 2016 at 12:17 am
Lol u cheeky cunt

Meme said...
on Dec. 31 2015 at 11:20 pm
Lauren as the year ends your poems begin. Sharing your talents you have hidden so well. You make Papa and Meme proud and grin.

on Dec. 31 2015 at 7:18 pm
This is amazing!! you are so creative and a very talented writer!! I cannot wait to see what else you write.