Convinced | Teen Ink


December 18, 2015
By Bitsy GOLD, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Bitsy GOLD, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I wake,
it becomes of me 

Slowly reach to my lamp and touch
it turns on first stage,

I commence and wait
I slowly roll out of bed

Eyes still unsettled

I raise up,
turn and put my feet on the floor.

I get the barbed feeling
on the soles of my bare feet.

I wait

The first thing in mind is food,
but I have no time.

Anxious to go,
quiet and empty-minded.

Still unclothed,
wanting to fully awake.

I walk to the bathroom

Turn the sink on cold

Wait to slowly convince myself,
my face is ready

I dry my face,
put on this mask

Hide away my worries.

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