Be Happy | Teen Ink

Be Happy

December 28, 2015
By AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
AmberBar BRONZE, Mandeville, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I've got a big head and little arms" ~ Meet the Robinsons~

Just be happy they say
Little do they know
Every day she paints her smile across her face
Nobody knows that she can barely handle it anymore
Sometimes she just wishes she was never born
Or that she would happen to not wakeup the next day
She’s constantly placed on a pedestal
Everyone expects to much
What do you get when everyone wants more than you can give?
You get me
That’s right me
Dysfunctional crazy me
The LAST person anyone would expect to be upset
Because she’s always happy and always perfect
I’m always “doing good” and when someone is down
I’m the first person to help out
But what about me?
What happens when I’m sad?
Absolutely nothing because everyone’s too busy with their own lives to notice
But it’s ok ill just get over it because that’s all I can do.
I hand out all of the pieces off my heart to those in need
But at the end of the day no one gives any to me.

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