shes not real | Teen Ink

shes not real

January 3, 2016
By DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its not who created you that's to blame, it's yourself, you created yourself.

Little girl trebling

faking her smile

people see her happy

people see her eyes

people see her smile

little do they know shes dying

her smile is fake

her eye are dead

little happiness lays inside her

just waiting to be taken away

to be left fully dead again

The author's comments:

What made me write this was to show someone what I was really feeling. They meant alot to me, they were what was making me happy. Only to have me waiting for it to end and lose my heart again.

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