Loneliest Population | Teen Ink

Loneliest Population

January 6, 2016
By kailag16 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
kailag16 GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Divorce rate jumps in the most populous country.
Pressure of family--children pushed to wed.
Unwed “leftover women.”
Unwed generation living on their own.
Single lifestyles they don’t want to give up.
Unwed over the age of 27.
Society favors married couples,
with its Confucian traditions and laws and regulations,
an alliance to fight social stigma.
Looming traditional bias.
Is this Civil Affair such an imbalance?
The demography of singles populating the country.
Dodging family holidays from postponing marriage.
Unwed, they don’t want to give up.
Unwed, 14.6% of the population.
Unwed employees receiving no raises and promotions,
An arguable stigma, fight for imbalance.
Single population. Skyrocket solo jump.

-- from “One Is the Loneliest Number: China’s Single Population Nears 200 million.”

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