First Love | Teen Ink

First Love

January 5, 2016
By mondobacot19 BRONZE, Richmod, Virginia
mondobacot19 BRONZE, Richmod, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Your bark of hello

and your wag of excitement

and your lick of love

and your jumping and rolling around

and your fury comfortable fur

and your constant joy you brought me

Our love was unconditional

I can still feel your paw rubbing

across my face

There wasn’t anything that


get between our friendship.

Our friendship was a walking proof

that opposites attract.


He was all I knew

he was the only thing I loved

he was cake to a fat kid

sometimes I still imagine playing tag like

little kids at a birthday party

him chasing me going

100 miles an hour.


Sleeping in my room isn’t

the same without you

To me my dog was like

a crutch to a person that can’t walk,


water to the human body

he was something I needed in my life

I still go to his grave in the backyard

sometimes I’ll just sit there,

and other times I’ll just vent to him

I imagine you sometimes just waiting for

me at heaven’s gate with our favorite

tennis ball we would play with.

The author's comments:

The love of a dog inspired me to wrte this.

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