I'm Sorry | Teen Ink

I'm Sorry

January 7, 2016
By Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
Amani3D PLATINUM, New Castle, Delaware
23 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed by the masses.

I didn’t want to go to sleep because I didn’t want to think about it. I knew, if it was silent enough. The whispers and memories would creep into my mind and sing nothing but sorrow. So I prolonged it. Stayed up as long as I could just so I could avoid the silence. But it got to the point where I couldn’t stay awake any longer. I had to go to sleep. And as soon as I laid my head down. The tears streamed down my cheek as the thoughts came pouring in. Because I know that house will never be the same without you. I know I’ll never be able to do certain things without thinking of you. But the worst part is. I know one day I’ll forget you. You will be nothing but a sad memory I locked away. And it isn’t fair.

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