What’s up with Socks? | Teen Ink

What’s up with Socks?

January 19, 2016
By C_Gayle BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
C_Gayle BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

            What’s up with Socks?


What's the big things about socks?

They’re no better than the old ticking clocks.

I  mean there is a baseball team called red sox.

What's the big deal with socks!

Now I can understand a girls deal with her precious locks.

A girls locks are the frame to her face which sometimes looks like an ox

A girl needs to pay attention to her locks but not her socks!

Have you ever seen a hawk wearing socks with golden locks?

But I have seen a box with a ton of rocks?

If only I could get a fox on some docks?
Now this should be on a nice pair of socks!

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