Letter to a stranger | Teen Ink

Letter to a stranger

February 1, 2016
By BreeLynn SILVER, Huntsville, Alabama
BreeLynn SILVER, Huntsville, Alabama
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain

It’s crazy how you can see someone’s life story through their eyes.
You never know what someone has been through,
But when you look at them, you can see the pain of a lifetime.
You can see their nightmares coming to life,
You can feel the soul crushing words the doctor spoke to tell you she is gone.
When they placed her little ballet shoes in her casket to be with her.
You feel the burdens he carried on his shoulders when juggling three jobs to provide for the shattered pieces of what used to be his family.
You see the emotions he felt when his wife left him for another man.
She couldn’t handle the thought of causing their daughter to die, even though she wasn’t the one that flipped the car on August Seventeenth, at two forty-five p.m.
You see that he has lost everything: his job, his family, his motivation to live.
You see that he is losing his peace of mind. Knowing that with one little step over the edge he could remove himself from this cruel world.

On a day in August, I caught the eye of a stranger.
Knowing that he needed my help. Knowing that he had been through hell and back.

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