Blinding Black to Luxurious Light | Teen Ink

Blinding Black to Luxurious Light

February 8, 2016
By Mich7 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Mich7 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A girl hungry for a hike in the woods, dancing in the streets,
and living in a world of inspiration.
I am from a little girls pigtails, anticipating for a chance to show who she is, and desires to be.

Glimmering blue surrounds my eyes,
a lake day that can successfully bring a smile to a desolate face.
I am from a numbing breeze.

Head in the clouds, drifting in thought,
and exquisite green passionately kissing my skin.
I am from an ear-splitting voice to convince, concour, and calm; therefore I am from a valiant heart, healing tears erupting from broken shadows.

Climbing the highest hills, catching the spirit of the Earth,
counting on my wings to help me glide above this world.
I am from nature’s soul.

Born into a land of love,
consumed with excitement, compassion, and motivation.
I am from a giving tree.

Like liquid sunshine,
my eyes glisten depths of pureness.
I am from a stronger outer shell where there’s but a smile, yet a weaker inner one the smile hides.

Waiting for a time with no end,
living with the abusive impact of a single phrase: “You are nothing.”
I am from the core of a mother’s anger...that hits harder than pouring rain on my cheeks.

“Work it out,” “You shouldn't live like this,” and my favorite: “You’re not trying hard enough.”
People’s incapability to understand, reminds me of the first time trying to ride a bike: annoying and infuriating.
I am from my own mental state...of blinding black.

Help answered by belief,
I crack a smile now.
I am from His healing hand.

Honor the tunes of the wind,
and paint a long road.
I am from a committed dream.

A sixth sense embellished in me,
with a tender touch of difference.
I am from a better life.

I am but a whisper to the people who can’t comprehend my differences,
but a boundless power to the ones who truly recognize.
I am a luxurious light

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