Only one shot | Teen Ink

Only one shot

March 2, 2016
By Sheriff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sheriff BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in the deep snow,the frost and snow biting at my face.Everything is a pure white color which makes it harder to spot.Just sitting there in subzero temperatures is enough to make most give up the hunt, but not me. Right when I was going to give up I saw it………….I saw the buck I had been waiting hours for finally walk into my sight. Remembering that only one chance is given, if I miss the deer will flee, foiling my efforts by waiting for it. Palms sweaty and heart racing I aim the gun, my mind is deep in thought in what could happen in the next few seconds.My crosshair is aimed his torso and with a split second to decide, I pulled the trigger.

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