Faith, Trust, and Pixie dust | Teen Ink

Faith, Trust, and Pixie dust

March 4, 2016
By Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Sophie2019 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Never grow up; why not live in

the present like the boys cloaked
in green, coated with sparkly dust;
who forgot to trust in his future.


“I do believe in fairies,”
a girl dressed in a blue
nightgown cries to herself
at night, protected from
thoughtful fates of judgement.


The second star to the right and
straight on till morning guides
black eye-patched men to a
land stripped of sovereignty.


A paradise of possibilities,
full of amusing shrieks and
flapping arms; an everlasting
childhood of riding the wind.


Tropical reds and yellows
set in a cloudy atmosphere,
dark shadows outlining a green
costume as pixie dust falls down.

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