How To Love Your School | Teen Ink

How To Love Your School

March 14, 2016
By shouldaputaringonit29 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
shouldaputaringonit29 BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High school is a force. That much we all know whether you’re a freshman or a senior.
But what if I told you high school is not all bad?
Sure there is drama and rude people and fights and rules that don’t make sense,
But what about the memories made with friends or the time you really shone in class or in an extracurricular activity?
You might have had a class where not a day passed that wasn’t interesting and lighthearted, or you may have helped your team win the football game or made your fellow cheerleaders look good.
People often focus on the bad aspects present in every high school that they forget about moments like these, and they’re often overlooked when remembering your high school days once they’re ancient history.
All we hear about is the fight that happened at lunch or the kid who got suspended.
But, there is more to those four years than that.
You actually can make good memories in high school
But if you don’t have any that particularly stand out,
Just remember this.
All the days you argued with petty students, or rode a slow crowded bus every day, will all be worth it at the end of your fourth year.

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