Life; the fix. | Teen Ink

Life; the fix.

March 11, 2016
By kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stars in the sky have never shined so bright,
The day was lost in a late summer night
I wanted to walk on the beach, with my bare feet in the sand
With the ocean splashing upon the land
I wanted to lay, with the wind in my hair
But I never had enough time to spare
My family tried to plan a trip, to get away for a while
But I just couldn’t, perhaps they never had the time to make me smile
Always fighting, nothing new
They always made my plans fall through
I began getting used to it, used to the fighting
So in order to relieve my stress, I began writing
Writing my worries away, fixing my mind
But I had to keep my head up, stick to my grind
I couldn’t let the little things get to me,
Especially since I was the bigger person, just drink my tea
Things began getting better, for my family and I
We began coming close again and eating lots of pie
Pie always seemed to fix everything, especially cherry
The way it made your belly feel, full and merry
We eventually made our trip, to the pretty red beach
The seagulls screeched,
I loved the beach and my family,
Life was finally the way it was supposed to be.

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