Nobody is perfect | Teen Ink

Nobody is perfect

March 22, 2016
By adbrankle SILVER, Elm Grove, Wisconsin
adbrankle SILVER, Elm Grove, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nobody’s perfect only one of the many most common cliches in our culture
However we often assume people are perfect
Of course they aren’t
Just because that girl has nicer clothes than you doesn’t mean she’s has it easier
Just because that boy’s parents aren’t divorced doesn’t mean his family is the one you’ve always wanted
When we our mad we see everyone’s happiness and wish we had it
We want skin that isn’t blemished or the ability to be the best player out their
Yet when I read all of our problems it makes me sad
We are all so worried of what we look like and how good we are
Yet others are worried about finding food, water, and refuge
No one is perfect we all just try to forget about the bad, because if we can forget about it, block it out well then it never happened
Let’s be glad we have that luxury
I am one out of about 7.25 billion why do I matter?
how will I go down in history?
I refuse to be a boring adult
I will not have a boring desk job
I will not get stuck with a job that I hate because of money
I will do something incredible that I love and that maybe just a few of that 7.25 billion will remember me for
I want to go down different than most

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