I Can Hear You | Teen Ink

I Can Hear You

March 25, 2016
By Jasmine-Anne SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Jasmine-Anne SILVER, Fort Wayne, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reality leaves a lot to the imagination," - John Lennon

My words are subject to thoughtless critics; their voices are the ghost of malicious Daemon's.


They are cruel and harsh with their intentions, hoping to leave mark.


They are hideous and obnoxious, formed by the woes that they have sewn upon that of my own.


Whatever I may choose to intone to the world is constantly under-rule of sweeping claws and hissing comments.


To them my voice, my individuality is a horrendous beast that must be laid to rest at all costs.


A horrendous beast that seemingly has no place in this world.


A horrendous beast that does not deserve the turn of a head, nor the acknowledgement of a peer.


My thoughts, my mind, and my imagination is something they wish to oppress; wish to see gone.


Alas, none are a wild animal that needs to be tamed, by the firm hand of a supposed superior.


What right have you to impress yourself upon my being?


What right have you to force me to become something that I am not, that I can never be?


Lay to rest your arms of ridicule, de-arm those words of hate that were meant to bring me down.


I was not meant to be caged away in your cage of steel and disapproval.


I will not quench the ability to be a person, to obtain the rights of an individual.




Your sneers will serve you no more, they have become meaningless whispers amongst a wind passing through.


Your judging eyes, those eyes that hold so much contempt no longer hold the power to pierce through me; I am stronger.


No longer will my heart hold room for your hatred; your fires are now dulled, while I will remain alight.


Why can you not move along alike the rest?

Why can you not rise above such childish games?


Your words are not invisible, for I can hear you loud and clear. I now know who you are.


I can hear you....

The author's comments:

I hate how people speak behind your back and are completely two-faced. How they critize you for not conforming to their sense of normal. Those sort of people disgust me. They are the abnormal, they are the ones that cannot accept themselves and the differences in the world. They are the ones that are the instigators of strife and hate.

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