Music My Love | Teen Ink

Music My Love

April 11, 2016
By neoncleff BRONZE, Hemet, California
neoncleff BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments


So many sounds
Coming together
Becoming one great thing
And sounding amazing


It’s a way to free myself
From the darkness
And try to find an escape from it


I can’t go a day without listening to music.
Music helps me. Let it be to forget, or to remember.

Both the good and bad things that have happened in my life.
When I’m upset what do I turn to?


If I want to get out my anxiousness, what comes to save me?


I don’t know when I became so dependent on music, but it has saved me from so many things.

Most of the time when you see me, I’ll have an earbud in listening to a genre that expresses how I feel at the time.
I guess you can say that it expresses my emotions better than I can do with words or even actions.

You see, music speaks what cannot be expressed,
it helps to soothe the mind and give it much needed rest,
it helps to heal a broken heart and make it whole again.
My music will tell you about me more than I will ever say   

Music is my freedom.
Music is what I turn to when I’m feeling a certain way.
It’s my reason for everything

It’s one of the best solutions to any problem

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