Sound of Existence | Teen Ink

Sound of Existence

April 12, 2016
By Quiescent BRONZE, League City, Texas
Quiescent BRONZE, League City, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Do you hear that?
The chirp of the birds in the morning.
Do you hear that?
The hoot of the owls at night.
Do you hear that?
The sound of the wind bending the trees.
Do you hear that?
The sound of the rain hitting the window pane.
Do you hear that?
The sound of thunder before a storm.
Do you hear that?
The sound of children laughing as they play.
Do you hear that?
The barking of dogs as they chase a squirrel up a tree.
Do you hear that?
The sound of your feet as they hit the pavement when you run.
Do you hear that?
The sound of you breathing in the stillness of the night.
Do you hear that?
The sound of your heart beat pumping in your ears.
Do you hear that?
It’s the sound of existence.

The author's comments:

This is just something I thougth up, while I was resting on my hammock in my back yard one day, enjoying the day. 

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