Relapse | Teen Ink


April 8, 2016
By Maxxx98 BRONZE, Norwell, Massachusetts
Maxxx98 BRONZE, Norwell, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I dreamt of the place where I met her there.
Trying to pretend that I don't know where.
There were trees, there was sand, a fresh summer breeze
But waves were crashing everywhere.

All around, there was sun and sky.
The waves of old days, I start to cry.
She hugs me with her wrinkly, old skin
She tells me don't worry you can't always win.

This island around, the only thing here.
Those huge blue waves with my long lost dear.
Dating back to those horrible days
Where my loves, my wife and my son all lay

This is the beach where it felt like the end.
My wife by side as I watch it all again.
A big blue wave came flying down
The sun stopped shining as I hear the crashing sound.

I wake up.

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