goodbye E.D | Teen Ink

goodbye E.D

April 15, 2016
By violetnature3 PLATINUM, Springfield, Massachusetts
violetnature3 PLATINUM, Springfield, Massachusetts
46 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we live and we learn

Dear E.D, first off f*** you!


I can now stop at the breakfast place down the street from me.


You`ve sat beside me. Months and months, years and years.


On the days  ware the sun gleemed from the smile on my face, you put thoughts in my head to replae it.


And on the nights ware I was deeper than the ocean you submerged me into you, while the ocean rained on my skin.


This is not ode to you. This is ode to the first day I got help, and every day since!


You left a mark on me that will not wash off. Your not the same after having you that I will say.


This is ware I leave you floundering wondering ware I got the strength. Everyday I walk further awy from you is a recovery day,


I`m now a littl less exciting.

The author's comments:

I`ve been battling with anerexia for  about 12 years give or take, so i`m very proud of this poem. each day is a recovery day

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