Guilty Pleasure | Teen Ink

Guilty Pleasure

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sinful lips already committed forbidden pleasure,
pleasure that can never be revealed
Wishin’ to rewind through time of prevention,
while bein' deleted from my present...

As their bodies became whole,
Electrifyin' lights sparked within' each vessel
Formin' unique passion marks,
as our lips danced along each others skin
Like tango music,
Our sounds romantically spiced the room
With an agreeable minglin' of seduction...

The sweetest fingers roamed,
quenched my thirstin' physical needs
While spiritual sins are being created with a knowledgeable lover
Showin love and affection...
Feelin' lower than loam,
guilt drastically took its place as the aftermath
This romance jus' recently starting….

Why couldn’t I’ve said?
…Wait! Put those flames on ice!
This isn't what you will want,
Jus' hormones caught in the moment...

Lookin' back,
Wantin' to reverse the hour glass
This event could've been delayed until its rightful time,
With that rightful someone
But my sinful lips already committed forbidden pleasure...

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