My Regret | Teen Ink

My Regret

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

walking through what seems like an eternity of pain,
i cry grey tears and bleed loss,
bittersweet feelings of angst and remorse,
stick with me in this hell,
a rollercoaster ride of shallow feelings and new touches,
excitement and fear flow through me at the same time,
as equals, walking side by side,
the rush that never ends is breaking,
leaving a stone hard trail of lust,
hand in hand i walk with jealousy,
craving a sense of fulfillment,
cupid is the devil,
sending feelings of love and hate seconds after each other,
i fear death, but look forward to it at the same time,
i never cared about wrong very much,
as no question has a right answer,
i have undergone changes,
but for what?
a supped up ego and labels.

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