Strike me down | Teen Ink

Strike me down

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Strike me down
You are big
And I am small
You have all the power
I have no control at all

I see you raise your hand
And it comes crashing down
It is hard to put on a smile
The only thing you will see is my frown

I still feel the sting across my face
When you wave your belt at me
It sends a painful shudder down my back
And you don't hear my plea

I don't know what I did
All I can do is ask why
I am in fear for my life
Do you like it when I cry

Do you feel strong
Is this my lot
Did I do something
Is it my fault

Please stop the pain
My life I do worry
I don't want to hurt
I am sorry

I loved you
Though it is not the same
I wish I can leave
I don't want to play this game

It isn't fun
I have the worse luck
I wish I was done
But I am stuck

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