When we were young | Teen Ink

When we were young

April 21, 2016
By Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
Autumn9913 DIAMOND, Hinesville, Georgia
78 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were young,
We never questioned reality.
When we were young,
We just believed in the world.

When we were young,
We never noticed the stares
Of those who'd lost their vision.
We played without a care,
Oblivious to their confusion.

When I was young,
I never noticed the way they looked,
The way they longed for my innocence.
Yet they tried every trick in the book,
To save me my grievance.

When we were young,
We did not see the beauty,
The smiles, The laughs.
Life without Duty,
Life without Social Class.

When I was young,
Things were different,
Now I watch and long,
Wish I was that innocent,
Wish I lived in a world with no wrong.

When we were young,
We wished we were old,
For age we often sung.
Now we know the world is cold,
Now we wish we were young.

We are not young,
We always question reality.
We are not young,
We can't believe in the world

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