Red against Blue | Teen Ink

Red against Blue

April 22, 2016
By fallingcomets BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
fallingcomets BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Twilight crests and shifts the vivacity of
the dusky pinks and faded reds
of sundown, shifting into
shaded purples that fade away
any sight of the
blue day.

The red and blue of actions
had clashed and mixed
only once
into a mauve
at twilight.

The first colorful sunset had set
past the flat landscape
of dilapidated houses
by a black,
exterior coat
of ashen paint.

surrounds rusted swing sets
that are grinding and groaning
with each breeze
carrying the eerie echoes
of crows.
Dandelions and grass
sway with coated stalks
and petals
of gray snowfall
that reverses
the Technicolor
of the world.

Televisions play
the reflections of rotting food
and furry animals that scurry past.
An old Vinyl
once vocalizing
the music of artists
had since been knocked down
and silenced in the night.

the Earth spun,
and an orange sun rising over the horizon
with light revealing the effects
that had occurred since man’s last night.

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