Happy place | Teen Ink

Happy place

April 25, 2016
By AustinDopp BRONZE, Kaysville, Utah
AustinDopp BRONZE, Kaysville, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come.

She ran, her feet smacking the

cement with each step.

Her heart was loud.

She heard it thump.

She heard her breath,

the deep sound of her lungs,

Pushing and pulling the air through her body.

Her muscles started to hurt.

But she kept running.

She wouldn't stop.

Not until she found her happy place.

A quiet place where she could think freely.

A place where she wasn't judged.

She could be who she was.

In her happy place.

The author's comments:

My happy place if found when I run. Where is your happy place?

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