I Lost my Voice | Teen Ink

I Lost my Voice

May 10, 2016
By FairyPenguin BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
FairyPenguin BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

Hours upon hours of screaming one’s name
Leads to my voice’s demise
And it ends the same
Light is replaced by darkness
And I let it consume me.
I can't see myself.
Are you still there?
My consciousness warns me to let her go.
My organs tell me to reach out.
So I'll try again voiceless
Chasing after the luminous light
The journey is unbearable
each trial nearly ends my life
days turn into weeks and weeks into months
Finally,I have her in my grasp
Warm smiles provoke thee
Stretched hands waiting to be pulled in
And I scream your name
But I lost my voice
And it ends the same

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