The Beast | Teen Ink

The Beast

May 10, 2016
By FairyPenguin BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
FairyPenguin BRONZE, Jamaica, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost

It roams when gloomy; when windows creek
Not a soul is to be heard
It hunts for blood and kids it seeks
Don't you dare say a word

No kid, nor parent ventures to stroll;
outside in the Rangers grove
Unless you fancy to be swallowed whole
And be on the Kalafrost‘s stove

Its shadow can be seen no doubt
And its body blends in with the night
Your only chance would be to shout
If it has you in its sight

Don’t ever stare into it’s eyes
Your existence will be sure to end
Because if you do death be your prize
This hideous beast has no friends

So if you see the beast
Run west
Run east
No path you take is safe
Hide indoors
Close windows
And in God put all your faith

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