Poems | Teen Ink


May 16, 2016
By michael.gorman BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
michael.gorman BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High school
Walking through these halls I can’t believe it’s senior year
I can’t even remember when I was a freshman at FHS
It’s crazy thinking that it’s almost over
I feel like I’m not ready to move on just yet
Thinking about college is a big step
I hope I’ll be ready since graduation is right around the corner.

Franklin High School has changed a lot
I’ve witnessed all the remodel years
With the hallways being torn up and classrooms torn down
Franklin High School is almost is like a new home
With adding of the upstairs and the fancy Saber center
This high school will never be the same for me

In less than a month, the day will be here
It will be the day that we have to graduate
It will be time to say goodbye to all your friends
You’ll be at home in the summer
Thinking about the memories that have been made
The last day is near, as we say goodbye to FHS

That special girl
How did I get a girl like you?
A girl that is smart, pretty, and true
A  girl who isn’t crazy
A girl who can be honest too
This girl is just right

A girl that can make me smile
A girl that is nice and wise
A girl that I can’t forget
A girl with that perfect hair
This girl is just right

A girl that is very smart and clever
A body that makes me shiver
A girl that I can hold forever
A girl that makes me feel special
This girl is just right

Best Friend
That’s my best friend, that’s my best friend
I always got your back just how you got mine
I’ll help you out.  Anytime
Things are always great when you’re around
Never laugh so hard in my life
When I think about the memories we got

That’s my best friend, that’s my best friend
You always look so fleek
We always roll together
We are the ride or die type of guys
No matter what I’ll be on your side
I’ll be right there, till the end

That’s my best friend, that’s my best friend
We have so many things in common
We know what we like to do
Which helps speed up time even in the worst of moments
Having a best friend makes everything easier
That’s why I’m happy to have a best friend

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