Hope is real | Teen Ink

Hope is real

May 17, 2016
By carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
carissacarin SILVER, Poplar Grove, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes hope seems so far away,

Like you've reached the end of your rope,

And your fingers are turning blood red from trying to hold on.

You're tired of trying to hold onto something you aren't sure exists.

You don't believe in a happily ever after because you've been hurt so many times you don't see any good left.

I know you feel like there's no point anymore.

you think it's all over.

this is where hope comes in.

hope was never far away it was always right there in front you.

It's hard to believe in things you cannot see, 

but it is there. you just have to believe.

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