addicted | Teen Ink


May 17, 2016
By lovepeaceandharmony SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
lovepeaceandharmony SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. Vince Lombardi

it starts out slow
you only do it at parties
" I can stop if i want to i'm completely in control" you say
day by day its growing
you only do it once a week
" I don't have a problem" you say
and growing and growing
you only do it once or twice a week
" I'm not addicted" you say
its consuming you now
you only do it every day
" I need it if i don't have it i get sick" you say
until it devours you
you only do it three times a day
" I'm not an addict i can stop when i want to" you say slurring your words
one day you take to much
your dad finds you shallow breaths and weak pulse
the paramedics say you are lucky had your dad found you seconds later you wouldn't be here today
you go to rehab for 60 days
you swear you will never do it again
three months later you over dose
you get sent to rehab again
you stay there for 12 months
when you come out you are a different person
you promise you will never do that again
four months later you're still clean and sober
you're back in school and better then ever
you realized something
life is wonderful
life is good
you are wonderful

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