Friends don't last forever | Teen Ink

Friends don't last forever

May 13, 2016
By kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m sorry but,
You were never the friend I thought you were,
You weren’t even the friend you thought you were,
Endless laughter and unforgettable memories,
Eventually came to an end,

I thought I would always be able to go to you for anything,
Anything and everything,
I thought I could always go to you when I needed a laugh,
But then I moved and things changed,
You changed.

Things became distant between us,
Talking slowly decreased, and we saw each other very rarely,
And eventually the friendship just broke off,

Then you forgot about me,
Whether you deny it or not, I know you did,
You found new friends,
Replacing me, day by day, friend by friend,

Then I saw you at an old school event,
And no words were spoken, none at all,
And that’s when I knew,
Things would never go back and never will go back to how they used to be,
And everything just had to be accepted,
I had to accept the fact that I no longer had a best friend.

And that’s when my mom told me that I was better,
That I was better and that I will find better friends than you, eventually,
And then I realized I actually don’t need you,
Not just you, but I really don’t need anyone,

I’m sorry but I’m actually not sorry,
You should be.

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