Hammock View | Teen Ink

Hammock View

May 13, 2016
By kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
kayleeb30 GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay in my hammock, hanging by the window in my room,
I glare out the window, taking in the beautiful view of how amazing the world is,
I lay, book in one hand, as I study the beautiful view from my window to the end of the sidewalk
The sidewalk then leads to the blue ocean waters, where paradise lies beneath your feet,
The beautiful lightly tan sand, the beautiful blue water,
The palm trees wrapping around the way of the beach, making paradise even more beautiful
The sun reflects off of the water, shimmering brighter than ever,
I lay in my hammock as I stare out the window, dreaming of paradise.

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