Stay with me | Teen Ink

Stay with me

May 23, 2016
By RJRidley BRONZE, Sydney, Alabama
RJRidley BRONZE, Sydney, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments

When I met you, I was
Thinking it's my lucky day.
Nah But for you... it could be just another day.
I'm just lettin my thoughts, become a voice.
Can't help but think of Every time I stared into your eyes,
felt like an automatic magnetise.
Wondering if you’re feelin that hypnotise, From my eyes. because I am.

I will always only think of loveing you ever more on.
But ever more on, oh you have only dispised me,
Neglected me,
Ignored me.
Clearly ur a good actor. because you fooled my heart. Should have know we see love
Wit our minds, not with our eyes.
I Always dread of u to dissmiss me.
And i say "Oh universe Take me to a place of fantasy!
where there's a predictable remedy.
That doesn't leave when u need them urgently.
A place Where I don't think of wat u might do to me"
But when u do those lovely things to me ... I love you to much. To much to worry about myself,
because I ... just wanna be with you.

I guess it didn’t work out that way.
And it doesn’t matter now does it !?!?
Although the difference when i see you,
is almost as if I’m adam your Eve.
Except this time, only you ate the fruit,
because im feelin weak.
Although that’s only when I’m without you,
probably because Eve was made from Adams rib.
That makes sense because my heart and your heart feel knit to make one heart of it
and now that you don’t want me,
try talking to me … go on… I will bet my life you’ll feel like an you’re getting an inside tsunami,
in your tummy.

That isn’t much of a bet any more...
Anyway, I try talking calmly but people still look at me funny.
probably because my other heart is missing.
Thats probably why, when no one is watching i crawl up in a corner, try to be as small as anything.
Begin crying, crying and crying.

Mabye I should start flying?
I guess it would stop the crying.
Stop the moaning.
Stop the hurting.
Life is worthy when you start learning but the truth is I’m not even progressing.
I guess there is only one way for that to take place.
It’s pricless depending on how you want the job.
Also painless depending on how you want the job.
So I guess perfect tick for the box that says “broke, go get em blokes"
So for the last time I will take my late night walk across that bridge where I found my love, my life, my soul.
and now that ur not here with any condole.
I’m on the edge.
I'm on the edge.
The world behind me feels like it’s slowing,
but then I remember how little this world likes helping.
Yes I'm really on the edge
so… goodbye world.
i have just started flying.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 3 2016 at 9:01 pm
RJRidley BRONZE, Sydney, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Thank you. To be honest I think it started when I heard the song "hotel California" by the Eagles that same day I watched a movie with a crazy plot twist. I wondered what it would be like if I could turn one of my pieces into something totally jaw dropping. It wasn't long before I found writing from the bursting ideas in my head I didn't even plan it out. It just happened. Ill keep an eye out for it, looking forward to it.

Edawg1 BRONZE said...
on Jun. 3 2016 at 2:22 pm
Edawg1 BRONZE, Clinton, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
To be you, is to be free

Good stuff my friend. I see what you mean now. Your very good at this. I want to know what inspired you to write this one? Experience or the story of another? Keep up the good work. Oh... by the way I have another poem comming soon. Please comment with your expertise.