passing and passing and passing again | Teen Ink

passing and passing and passing again

May 24, 2016
By aesthete.g BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
aesthete.g BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was walking in the hallways and suddenly, while passing me, his eyes stayed glued on me and mine stayed firmly in place staring right back at his. That moment all the blood rushed to my cheeks the colors of love spread on my cheeks. like warmth on a spring day. My conclusions are not precise but, I swear on everything to do with the gods that I saw a small smile spreading on his lips when he passed me again. When  we pass, the world stills for us, we catch the rotating earth under our feet and hold each other's eyes. Those passing moments are the most sparking memories i’ve had in awhile and I wouldn't mind if time replayed from the moment I saw him at one end of the hallways to when our eyes finally separate. I wouldn't mind spending my entire life walking and passing and passing and passing again.

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