Solicitude's Drug | Teen Ink

Solicitude's Drug

May 25, 2016
By PetrovaAllure BRONZE, Queen Creek, Arizona
PetrovaAllure BRONZE, Queen Creek, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cough syrup galore,
Sympathy cards with casseroles
Make her feel cozy—popular
As the persevering mother of a sweet, sick child.
Wilted flowers of white
Pile atop the nightstand;
Wet lashes evoke the loveliest picture of the unlucky mother,
Yet Mommy knows if health’s rose blush returns,
Sympathetic caresses to Mommy’s “shaking” hand’ll disappear.
So Mommy pours erosive “juice” into the glass;
The frail girl coughs crimson-speckled fluid;
Hospital clothes cradle the girl,
Adding to the flawless image of a doting mother.
And the solicitous attention makes Mommy forget
That her poisoning hands
Force the pale countenance of the daughter.

The author's comments:

Munchausen by Proxy is a syndrome where parents will unknowingly make their children sicker or less able in order to garner sympathy and attention. This poem demonstrates the terrifying thoughts of a mother afflicted with this condition. 

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