How to Have the Vacation of a Lifetime | Teen Ink

How to Have the Vacation of a Lifetime

May 26, 2016
By kaylakoz GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
kaylakoz GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A heap of planning
6-8 months time
Life-long friends
A place you’ve always dreamed of
A mound of research
A crate of responsibility
An armful of flexibility
A basket of spontaneity
A camera
Room for memories you will keep forever.


Allow 6-8 months time to plan, procrastination is the first step to ruining your vacation. First find your life-long friends and start with a mound of research. This research will lead you to find the place you’ve always dreamed of. After finding the place you’ve always dreamed of, comes the heap of planning. Planning will include more research, and an armful of flexibility. Once 6-8 months has passed your hard work will pay off and you will experience your vacation of a lifetime, but remember to pack a basket of spontaneity. (You can’t plan everything and taking spontaneous adventures is important in your vacation.) During your trip don’t forget your camera to document the memories you will keep forever.

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