Cry For Me | Teen Ink

Cry For Me

May 26, 2016
By TaliaJohnson BRONZE, Atascadero, California
TaliaJohnson BRONZE, Atascadero, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

let your tears roll down your cheeks

like mine flowed for you
when you long for the feeling of my touch
I won’t be chasing behind you
you knew from the beginning
that someday you would break my heart
your starry night eyes
pleading to wish me back by your side
your aroma now stenches of only lies and cheats
no more perfumes of love and commitment
the tender hugs you used to give me
will now be filled by someone new
whose crisp smile promises real love and devotion
you will be the one watching me
leaving you the one glassy eyed, sleep deprived
your heart hangs over you like a lie
as you watch my heart fill with someone
who is everything I didn't know I was looking for
I will finally start smiling for me again
never will I be crushed by words in my heart I cannot utter
never will I be tangled in the things you told me
I hope you will be the one crying
and wondering where you went wrong
I hope you cry for me

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